Support From Beginning To End


At Core Staging, are parent company, we own and maintain our own equipment – and we don’t rent it out – which means you can depend on crisp audio and video, mood-creating lighting, clear on-screen graphics, reliable teleprompting, expert webcasting, and state-of-the-art audience response, for any event.

We own equipment for speaker support; audio-visual presentation; lighting; teleprompting; breakout sessions, and more… 


Core Staging’s skilled team can perform on-site inspections, determine equipment and fixture requirements, develop CAD drawings, design lighting, deal with the venue, manage labor, ensure that union requirements are met, coordinate catering, furnish equipment, provide script and graphics support for speakers, and handle stage management.

Our services include technical direction; stage management; speaker support, labor management; euipment specification; CAD drawings; lighting design, and more…

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